A low-priced electronic product which is able to carry out both standard and complicated arithmetical functions can be described as the calculator. It can be lightweight, small and portable and commonly cost-effective. Computing devices can go back to around 2000 BC the time the Abacus was introduced. After sometimes analog and mechanical calculators took place. With the advancement of microprocessors, there happened a development in electronic calculators.

A growing number of improvement in microprocessors calculators have progressed in their functionalities and the sizes have minimized as well. You can find a multitude of calculators and some are created especially for basic computations, and scientific calculators having trigonometric plus statistical operations. You will also find calculators that are PDA kinds devices, and a few are also provided with graphic abilities, computer algebra, and much more. Here is given a list of a number of the most expensive calculator in the world.
PRICE: $155, 000
This the first portable calculator that was manufactured in the 17th century and is also regarded as the most expensive calculator. This is just a pocket size, small and lightweight calculator and it is among the oldest enduring pieces in computer’s history. The world first portable calculator made in the 17th century is considered the most expensive one. Maker Parisian given the name Rene Grillet de Roven in the year 1763 manufactured the calculating machine by using a 32 centimeter ×15 centimeter wood.
The calculator is based on the logarithms of Napier which was one of the oldest portable calculator designs. This lightweight machine has the capability to perform numerous type of arithmetic calculations, including the usually complicated division.
PRICE: $4900
This calculating device was the first creation of the Hewlett- Packard (HP) who named it as the desktop calculator. It is much appropriate to refer to it as the desktop calculator instead of calling it as the first personnel computer by the HP. when this desktop calculator was first introduced by the HP in 1968 the price of the calculating device was high as it was of around $4900. At that times, the price at which this calculator was launched was quite greater the cost of a car that would expense around $2000 to $4000.
Hewlett-Packard 9100 is one of the most expensive calculator and among the oldest top quality scientific calculators. The calculator has the capability of solving a multitude of scientific and engineering problems.
PRICE: $2500
Mathematica is certainly not a remote calculator. It is based on a specialized computational program as well as is required commonly as being a virtual calculator. The advanced model tends to be brought both in single and also in the enterprise, the standard version has a cost of $2495 and the enterprise version has a cost of $6995. In 1988 the very first version of this calculator was launched by the Wolfram Research.
Through the years many people all over the world are making use of this calculator for solving the complicated scientific, mathematical and engineering calculations. When talking about the quality this mathematical calculator is of top quality as compared to the other isolated graphical calculators.
PRICE: $700
In the modern world, HP32Sii is a unique model, due to the fact that the usage of these calculators become limited in 2002 as they were first launched in the year 1991. A few well known online sites still selling this calculator at a cost of almost $699.99. HP32Sii was demonstrated to be a useful & functional device for solving complicated calculations and is the most expensive calculator. The calculator features a 384 byte of memory and more than 200 mathematical and scientific operations are included in this calculator.
PRICE: $299
This calculator was initially introduced by the Hewlett-Packard in the year 1990 and since then it is referred to be a financing calculator. There are about 450 functions that are integrated into this calculator that are statistical and scientific in general. The display screen that contains has four line that has the capability of displaying twenty-three characters per. The calculator is considered to be as the most expensive calculator and moreover, this HP 19BII FINANCIAL CALCULATOR is extremely easy to function.
PRICE: $299
This is another most expensive calculator in the world. The calculator is regarded as being the most powerful calculator that comes having an LCD screen of high contrast. Moreover, it features 128kb of RAM together with a 256Kb size of ROM and is capable of understating and supporting the lower case alphabets as well as the Greek alphabets. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS TI-86 calculator was initially introduced in the year 1997 but the use of this calculator got stopped in the year 2004.
7). VICTOR 1460-3:
PRICE: $294
This calculator is also a desktop calculator that features a fluorescent display. This is a third generation 12 digit calculator which is manufactured for commercial usage generally and is probably the most expensive calculator. Although, at present time this model is no more in usage and currently is accompanied by fourth generation edition from Victor.
PRICE: $279
Voyager 200 is considered because of its QWERTY keyboard and is classified much more like a computer system and probably this is the most expensive calculator. It’s actually an amazing and powerful calculator as well as is capable of supporting 3D graphing as well as plotting. Voyager 200 calculator features flash memory of 4MB and additionally 256Kb of RAM. It can also be programmable using specified software.
PRICE: $249
This calculator features a display screen that has high colored screen resolution and it is the Casio’s one of the most expensive calculator. This calculator contains the capability of solving greater than 2900 mathematical as well as the scientific calculations and supports almost 55 color graphics. It is manufactured with advanced techniques as this calculator can be attached to the computer so it transferring data will become easy with this calculator. It contains the capacity if displaying more than 20 digits.
PRICE: $210
This calculator supports 3D graphics together with QWERTY keyboard. The calculator features the flash memory of 384Kb as well as the RAM of 188Kb. In 1998, this calculator was initially launched and then the use of this calculator got discontinued in the year 2002. The Plus collection from the Texas Instrument has been the most up-to-date variations of TI-92 range.